The Redux Repeater extension easily allows developers to group like fields in a dynamic manner, or static number. Allowing values to be grouped (nested) under a single key, or under each individual key. All values will be returned as an array.

Incompatible Fields

Due to the complexities of this extension, the following Redux fields WILL NOT (at this time) function within a repeater.

  • Checkbox (Multi) – Multi-check (options array) not functioning, single check is fine
  • Sorter – Not working
  • Typography – Will crash your panel. Don’t try it, yet.
  • Editor – Works fine, but CSS is messed up. (jQuery UI stuff)

Getting Started

To understand how to use extensions, you should read this article on Loading Extensions. To shortcut the process, you should use the Redux Generator. Please be aware that a working knowledge of PHP and CSS is required to properly use this field. Should you not be familiar with one or the other (or both), please refer to the basic guides to get you started: Getting Started with PHP, CSS Introduction.


Name Type Default Description
type string ‘repeater’ Value identifying the field type.
id string Unique ID identifying the field. Must be different from all other field IDs.
title string Displays title of the repeatable block of fields.
subtitle string Subtitle display of the repeatable block of fields, situated beneath the title.
desc string Description of the repeatable block of fields, appearing beneath the field control.
class string Appends any number of classes to the field’s class attribute.
fields array Array of fields to be within each repeater block.
group_values boolen false Argument to group all fields within the repeater ID.
item_name string true String added after Add/Delete to denote the name of the items you are adding to or deleting. Example: Delete Fields, Fields being the item_name.
bind_title string true By default the first field will be used as the title for each repeater block. You may also pass in a string denoting an ID to use as the title for each repeater block.
static int Number of static repeater groups to display. This will also disable the add/remove buttons next to each repeater block.
sortable boolean true Allow your users to drag/drop repeater blocks and by so doing reorder the results.
limit int 10 If static is false, this will limit the number of repeater blocks that can be created.

Extended Argument Details

The static Argument

By default repeater is a dynamic field, however it can act with a predefined number of static repeater blocks. This allows developers to specifically set the number of repeater blocks they desire to use.

The bind_title Argument

By default the first field passed within a repeater is bound as the title. As the values selected or modified change, the title for that given repeater block will update. Developers may set this to false to disable all titles, or set it to an ID had within the repeater field and the title will update accordingly for each repeater block.

The limit Argument

Provided the static argument is not used, this will limit the number of dynamic repeater blocks that users can create. By default this is set to 10.

The group_values Argument

The group values allows you to store all values within the repeater id value inside your global variable. For example, say you had a repeater as denoted below and you set this to true. To access all the field values within the repeater field, you would need to follow the Example Usage – Grouped Values example denoted below. This, by default, is turned off.

The sortable Argument

By default each repeater block is sortable and the values will be returned to the developer in the order of which they are saved. However, should a developer like to disable this feature, they may set this to false and sorting will be enabled to the user.

Example Declaration

$this->sections[] = array(
    'title' => __('Repeater Field', 'redux-framework-demo' ),
    'icon' => 'el-icon-thumbs-up',
    'fields' => array(
            'id'         => 'repeater-field-id',
            'type'       => 'repeater',
            'title'      => __( 'Title', 'redux-framework-demo' ),
            'subtitle'   => __( '', 'redux-framework-demo' ),
            'desc'       => __( '', 'redux-framework-demo' ),
            //'group_values' => true, // Group all fields below within the repeater ID
            //'item_name' => '', // Add a repeater block name to the Add and Delete buttons
            //'bind_title' => '', // Bind the repeater block title to this field ID
            //'static'     => 2, // Set the number of repeater blocks to be output
            //'limit' => 2, // Limit the number of repeater blocks a user can create
            //'sortable' => false, // Allow the users to sort the repeater blocks or not
            'fields'     => array(
                    'id'          => 'title_field',
                    'type'        => 'text',
                    'placeholder' => __( 'Title', 'redux-framework-demo' ),
                    'id'          => 'text_field',
                    'type'        => 'text',
                    'placeholder' => __( 'Text Field', 'redux-framework-demo' ),
                    'id'          => 'select_field',
                    'type'        => 'select',
                    'title' => __( 'Select Field', 'redux-framework-demo' ),
                    'options'     => array(
                        '1'             => __( 'Option 1', 'redux-framework-demo' ),
                        '2'             => __( 'Option 2', 'redux-framework-demo' ),
                        '3'             => __( 'Option 3', 'redux-framework-demo' ),
                    'placeholder' => __( 'Listing Field', 'redux-framework-demo' ),

Example Usage – Non-Grouped Values

// Please remember to replace '$redux_demo' with your project's global variable name, usually your opt_name.
global $redux demo;
echo '<hr>';
echo '<hr>';

Example Usage – Grouped Values

// Please remember to replace '$redux_demo' with your project's global variable name, usually your opt_name.
// This example assumes you set 'group_values' to true within your repeater field declaration.
global $redux demo;
echo '<hr>';
echo '<hr>';


  1. wp_plugin_dev

    Is the purchase of the extension necessary to get the actual code for it ( to place into the extension folder ),
    … or is the code already in the core Redux Framework plugin, and you can “test drive” and start creating repeaters in your own site, and then purchase it when you know it will suit your needs ( and be legal of course )?

  2. Kevin

    Yes, purchase is necessary to obtain the code. Maintaining the yearly subscription is necessary for updates and support. You can test drive all our extensions on the redux demo page:

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