With the Slider field, unlimited slides may be created with titles, descriptions and links.

Slides Field


Name Type Default Description
type string ‘slides’ Value identifying the field type.
id string Unique ID identifying the field. Must be different from all other field IDs.
title string Displays title of the option.
subtitle string Subtitle display of the option, situated beneath the title.
desc string Description of the option, appearing beneath the field control.
class string Appends any number of classes to the field’s class attribute.
compiler bool Flag to run the compiler hook. More info
required array Provide the parent, comparison operator, and value which affects the field’s visibility. More info
placeholder array Array of placeholder values.  See ‘Placeholder Values’ below.
permissions string String specifying the capability required to view the section. More info.
hint array Array containing the content and optional title arguments for the hint tooltip. More info

Placeholder Values

Name Type Description
title string Placeholder for the title field.
description string Placeholder for the description field.
sort string Sort number for the slide order.
url string Placeholder for the URL field.
image string Placeholder for the image text field.
thumb string Placeholder for the image select field.
attachment_id string Placeholder image in URL format.
height string Placeholder height for the preview image.
width string Placeholder width for the preview image.

Example Declaration

    $fields = array(
        'id'          => 'opt-slides',
        'type'        => 'slides',
        'title'       => __('Slides Options', 'redux-framework-demo'),
        'subtitle'    => __('Unlimited slides with drag and drop sortings.', 'redux-framework-demo'),
        'desc'        => __('This field will store all slides values into a multidimensional array to use into a foreach loop.', 'redux-framework-demo')
        'placeholder' => array(
            'title'           => __('This is a title', 'redux-framework-demo'),
            'description'     => __('Description Here', 'redux-framework-demo'),
            'url'             => __('Give us a link!', 'redux-framework-demo'),

Example Usage

This example assumes at least one slide has been filled out and saved, based on the example usage provided above. Individual slide information are stored in a zero-based array. Be sure to change $redux_demo to the value you specified in your opt_name argument.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Redux Framework does NOT save blank slides to the database. This means on the initial load of your options panel, the empty slide will not be available. It will be necessary to use isset and !empty checks on the slide variable before attempting to use it in your code, as shown below.

global $redux_demo;

if (isset($redux_demo['opt-slides']) && !empty($redux_demo['opt-slides'])) {
    echo 'Slide 1 Title: '         . $redux_demo['opt-slides'][0]['title'];
    echo 'Slide 1 Description: '   . $redux_demo['opt-slides'][0]['description'];
    echo 'Slide 1 URL: '           . $redux_demo['opt-slides'][0]['url'];
    echo 'Slide 1 Attachment ID: ' . $redux_demo['opt-slides'][0]['attachment_id'];
    echo 'Slide 1 Thumb: '         . $redux_demo['opt-slides'][0]['thumb'];
    echo 'Slide 1 Image: '         . $redux_demo['opt-slides'][0]['image'];
    echo 'Slide 1 Width: '         . $redux_demo['opt-slides'][0]['width'];
    echo 'Slide 1 Height: '        . $redux_demo['opt-slides'][0]['height'];