The Redux Framework configuration file (sample-config.php) comes with a variety of arguments to customize the options panel. The arguments are set in the sample-config setArguments() function with the exception of help_tabs and help_sidebar, which are located in the setHelpTabs() function.

The default setArguements() function is as follows:

public function setArguments() {

    $theme = wp_get_theme();

    $this->args = array(
        'opt_name'         => 'redux_demo',
        'display_name'     => $theme->get('Name'),
        'display_version'  => $theme->get('Version'),
        'menu_type'        => 'menu',
        'allow_sub_menu'   => true,
        'menu_title'       => __('Sample Options', 'redux-framework-demo'),
        'page_title'       => __('Sample Options', 'redux-framework-demo'),
        'google_api_key'   => '',
        'async_typography' => true,
        'admin_bar'        => true,
        'global_variable'  => '',
        'dev_mode'         => true,
        'customizer'       => true,

        'page_priority'    => null,
        'page_parent'      => 'themes.php',
        'page_permissions' => 'manage_options',
        'menu_icon'        => '',
        'last_tab'         => '',
        'page_icon'        => 'icon-themes',
        'page_slug'        => '_options',
        'save_defaults'    => true,
        'default_show'     => false,
        'default_mark'     => '',
        'show_import_export' => true,
        'class'            => '',

        'transient_time'   => 60 * MINUTE_IN_SECONDS,
        'output'           => true,
        'output_tag'       => true,
        'footer_credit'    => '',
        'network_admin'    => false,
        'network_sites'    => true,

        'hints'            => array(
            'icon'            => 'icon-question-sign',
            'icon_position'   => 'right',
            'icon_color'      => 'lightgray',
            'icon_size'       => 'normal',

            'tip_style'    => array(
                'color'       => 'light',
                'shadow'      => true,
                'rounded'     => false,
                'style'       => '',
            'tip_position' => array(
                'my'          => 'top left',
                'at'          => 'bottom right',
            'tip_effect'   => array(
                'show'        => array(
                    'effect'      => 'slide',
                    'duration'    => '500',
                    'event'       => 'mouseover',
                'hide'        => array(
                    'effect'      => 'slide',
                    'duration'    => '500',
                    'event'       => 'click mouseleave',
        'intro_text'  => __('<br />This text is displayed above the options panel. It isn\'t required, but more info is always better! The intro_text field accepts all HTML.<br />', 'redux-framework-demo');
        'footer_text' => __('<br />This text is displayed below the options panel. It isn\'t required, but more info is always better! The footer_text field accepts all HTML.<br />', 'redux-framework-demo');

    $this->args['share_icons'][] = array(
        'url'   => '',
        'title' => 'Visit us on GitHub',
        'icon'  => 'el-icon-github'
        // 'img' => '', // You can use icon OR img. IMG needs to be a full URL.
    $this->args['share_icons'][] = array(
        'url'   => '',
        'title' => 'Like us on Facebook',
        'icon'  => 'el-icon-facebook'
    $this->args['share_icons'][] = array(
        'url'   => '',
        'title' => 'Follow us on Twitter',
        'icon'  => 'el-icon-twitter'
    $this->args['share_icons'][] = array(
        'url'   => '',
        'title' => 'Find us on LinkedIn',
        'icon'  => 'el-icon-linkedin'